Tundra Orbit

Russia orbits missile-detection satellite

Military personnel at Plesetsk Cosmodrome in Northern Russia performed the successful launch of a Soyuz-2-1b rocket on September 26, 2019, carrying a classified payload which is believed to be the third satellite for the nation's newest constellation designed to provide the Kremlin with early warning about launches of ballistic missiles around the world.

Previous page: Development of the EKS system

The Tundra orbit is a special type of G eosynchronous Orbit which is highly inclined from the Earth's equator. A Tundra orbit is also elliptical such that the satellite spends more time North of the equator than South of it. At the present time, the only satellite company utilizing the Tundra Orbit is. Tundra Orbit Single 2018 6 songs. Molniya and Tundra orbit control is studied for mobile communications application. A semianalytical orbit propagator was coded for the fast and accurate computation of highly elliptical orbits near critical inclination. Consideration is given to natural perturbations, satellite configurations, covariance analysis, and orbit control strategies. The classic Tundra orbit has been used by communications satellites previously. Sirius Satellite Radio’s Radiosat 1, 2 and 3 all use the classic Tundra orbit at 63.4° inclination to provide satellite radio service to North America. (3) This thesis will examine the TCS design considerations for a meteorological. Instantly connect with local buyers and sellers on OfferUp! Buy and sell everything from cars and trucks, electronics, furniture, and more.

Soyuz-2-1b rocket lifts off from Plesetsk on September 26, 2019.

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Third EKS launch at a glance:

Spacecraft designationKosmos-2541, EKS-3, Tundra No. 3, 14F142
Launch vehicleSoyuz-2-1b No. 78072176
Payload fairing14S737 No. 112-04
Launch SitePlesetsk, Site 43, Pad No. 4
Launch date and time2019 Sept. 26, 10:46 Moscow Time

Third EKS/Tundra satellite lifts off

According to the official Russian media quoting the Ministry of Defense, the Soyuz-2-1b rocket with a Fregat upper stage lifted off from Pad 4 at Site 43 in Plesetsk on September 26, 2019, at 10:46 Moscow Time (3:46 a.m. EDT) .

No official information on the nature of the payload has been released but three days earlier the Russian government issued warnings to air and sea traffic to avoid impact sites for rocket stages in Southern Russia and the Pacific Ocean southeast of Tasmania which matched the ground track of the previous two missions known to deliver EKS/Tundra satellites for the nation's early warning constellation. The system is officially known as EKS OiBU for Edinaya Kosmicheskaya Sistema Obnaruzheniya i Boevogo Upravleniya, which can be translated as 'integrated space system for detection, battle command and control' or EKS for short.

The third launch of the Tundra satellite appeared to be following the usual scenario for the deployment of the EKS constellation. The four-stage Soyuz booster lifted off under the simultaneous thrust of the first and second stages, heading southeast along the southernmost corridor available for orbital launches from Plesetsk. The four boosters of the first stage were jettisoned around two minutes into the flight and probably fell around 350 kilometers downrange, most likely at the S28 impact site located in the marshy area where the Vychegda River flows into the Severnaya Dvina River. The second (core) stage continued the powered ascent.

The payload fairing then split into two halves around a minute after the separation of the first stage. Its fragments probably fell in the Western-Siberian Plain, along the Om river.

Less than five minutes into the flight and moments before the second stage completed its burn, the third stage ignited its four-chamber RD-0124 engine, initially firing through the lattice structure connecting the two stages. The second stage then separated and crashed around 1,500 kilometers downrange from the launch site, most likely at the S21 impact site, northeast of the city of Tobolsk.

Around nine minutes into the flight, the third stage released the payload section, including the Fregat upper stage and the EKS satellite, into a suborbital trajectory before reentering the Earth's atmosphere. Any surviving debris from the third stage should have fallen into the Pacific Ocean just South East of Tasmania.

Shortly after the launch, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed that the assets of the Titov Chief Test Space Center within the Russian Air and Space Forces, VKS, had begun tracking the vehicle at 10:48 Moscow Time and that at 10:55 Moscow Time, the Fregat upper stage and its payload had successfully separated from the third stage of the Soyuz launch vehicle.


Approximate ground track during the launch of the EKS (Tundra) satellite.

Fregat space tug maneuvers

During the orbital part of the launch, the Fregat was expected to conduct multiple maneuvers to insert the EKS satellite into its orbit. Most likely, three main engine firings had to be made. The first maneuver initiated within a minute after the separation from the third stage likely placed the stack into an initial parking orbit. The Fregat then probably fired its engine again with the goal of stretching the orbit so that the apogee (the highest point) of this intermediate orbit reached the perigee (lowest point) of the final orbit. Finally, the third Fregat burn could increase the apogee to the required altitude by firing near the peak of the target orbit.

Following the separation of the EKS spacecraft, the Fregat upper stage typically conducts collision avoidance and deorbiting maneuvers. In turn, the satellite has its own propulsion system to make necessary orbit adjustments.

Less than half an hour after the spacecraft passed the first apogee of its target orbit around 17:25 Moscow Time on September 26, 2019, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed that the Fregat had successfully released the satellite into its planned orbit and it had been taken under control of ground assets of the Air and Space Forces which maintained stable communications with the healthy spacecraft. The satellite received an official designation Kosmos-2541.

Shortly after the launch, NORAD listed two objects associated with the launch, likely representing the satellite and the Fregat, in the orbits with the following parameters:

Orbital inclination
63.83 degrees
1,641 kilometers
63.82 degrees
1,639 kilometers

Page author: Anatoly Zak; Last update: October 4, 2019

Tundra Orbital Motion

Page editor: Alain Chabot; Last edit: September 26, 2019

All rights reserved

Tundra orbit

Document details


High Inclination Orbit

Tundra orbits have a 24-hour period, finite eccentricity (typically 0.2 to 0.3) and are highly-inclined. A Tundra orbit with frozen apsidal rotation (inclination of 63.4 deg) has similar ground coverage to that of a geosynchronous (GEO) orbit in that the satellite spends a large amount of time over a selected region on the surface of the Earth. Two to three Tundra orbits can provide similar ground coverage as a single GEO orbit. Tundra orbits are already currently used by satellites, for example the Sirius 1-3 satellites that were launched in 2000.

Tundra orbit elements undergo much larger variations due to luni-solar gravity than GEO orbit elements due to their higher inclination. In particular, there are large excursions in eccentricity. Depending on the configuration of the orbit, these eccentricity excursions can be large enough to cause perigee to dip into the atmosphere, resulting in eventual reentry. In contrast, disposal orbits near the GEO ring are very stable and do not undergo atmospheric reentry. There is no known natural mechanism to remove satellites in near GEO orbits. As a result, disposed GEO satellites will accumulate indefinitely in their disposal orbits and possibly collide with each other, generating large amounts of untrackable debris that can spread into the operational GEO ring. From a debris mitigation perspective, this makes the use of Tundra orbits more attractive than the use of GEO orbits.

Molniya Orbit Inclination

This paper presents a detailed study of Tundra disposal orbits. Long-term propagations were performed using the precision integration code TRACE. Parametric variation runs were executed to understand the dependence of eccentricity evolution on right ascension of ascending node (RAAN). Plots of orbital element variation with time for various initial disposal orbit RAAN values were generated. The collision probability with background objects was assessed using a model of the current and future Earth orbital object population generated by the Aerospace Debris Environment Projection Tool (ADEPT).

Tundra Orbit Animation

Results showed that it was possible to induce atmospheric reentry to occur within 200 years for a broad range of RAAN values, and in some cases within 25 years, without requiring extra propellant. Results also showed that Tundra disposal orbits have low collision probabilities, even for lifetimes up to 200 years, because they spend brief amounts of time crossing the densely populated regions in low Earth orbit and near the GEO ring. Therefore, increased use of Tundra orbits instead of GEO orbits could have a significant effect in reducing overall collision risk and future collisional debris generation near the GEO region.


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