Mac Os X 10.1

The Finder

In Mac OS X version 10.1, Apple delivers vastly improved performance at every level of the system. Menus are visibly faster to react, drawing quickly and smoothly. Most applications will launch two to three times faster in Mac OS X version 10.1. Mac OS X 10.1 MacOS X was Apple's replacement for their classic MacOS. MacOS X is based on NeXTSTEP, a Unix-based OS. The first consumer release also featured a new user interface appearance called 'Aqua'. MacOS X 10.1 Thanks to Jason for the screen shots! MacOS 9 was built on the foundation of the original MacOS released in 1984. MacOS X, however, is a new operating system that is built on the foundation of BSD Unix and incorporates some NeXT technology. Mac OS X Jaguar: 10.2.8: Mac OS X Puma: 10.1.5: Mac OS X Cheetah: 10.0.4: Published Date: March 08, 2021. Yes No Character limit: 250. Please don’t include any personal information in your comment. Maximum character limit is 250. Submit Thanks for your feedback. Released on November 13, 2001, on the same day that AirPort Software 2.0 was made available for download, Mac OS X version 10.1.1 was the first update to Mac OS X 10.1 'Puma'. The build number was 5M28, although this was 5M45 for PowerBooks that shipped with the new OS. The update includes improvements for many USB and FireWire devices; this includes support for more digital cameras, as well.

Despite the window resizing performance improvements discussed earlier, I found the Finder to be the most disappointing new application in Mac OS X 10.1. I'm disappointed because, performance improvements aside, the 10.1 Finder still does not allow me to work the way I want to. Many of the 10.0.x bugs remain as well.

There are some interface improvements, however. I'll list them first.

Finder Improvements

  • The state of disclosure triangles in list-view windows is now retained. Combined with the improved resize performance, list view windows are finally useful again.
  • Icons on the desktop no longer jump into seemingly random positions across logins and reboots.
  • The truncation algorithm used to display long file names is improved.
  • Typing the first few letters of a file or folder name now causes list-view windows to scroll to the new selection.
  • There is a new preference to always open folders in a new window.
  • The warning before emptying the trash is now optional.
  • Command-drag now toggles the grid snap on a per-drag basis. (Although this feature is of questionable use since command-click is now the multiple selection keyboard combination in the Finder. Just try command-dragging several icons in succession and you'll see what I mean.)
  • Disk icons are now customizable.
  • Column widths in column view are now adjustable, both together and independently.

Finder Bugs

Now, a tour of some of the bugs.

  • Mounting your iDisk causes the entire Finder application to become unresponsive while the volume is mounted. Further navigation within the iDisk suffers form the same problem.
  • The insertion point disappears while it's being moved left or right when editing a file name. (Actually, this seems to affect almost all text entry fields in OS X.) Can you guess where the insertion point will land?
  • Window sizes and positions are sporadically forgotten, or depend on the particular location from which a folder was opened.
  • List view windows sometimes forget their customized column order and widths.
  • Windows sometimes get stuck in positions that do not show any white space on one side of the icons near the edge, and do not offer scroll bars to correct the situation.
  • The zoom widget can cause Finder windows to position themselves behind the Dock.
  • The Finder window toolbar sporadically reappears, despite any number attempts to keep it turned off for a particular window.
  • When the Finder window toolbar does appear spontaneously, it does so by 'stealing pixels' from the window's former size. When the toolbar is dismissed (again), the window size is smaller than before the toolbar made its unscheduled appearance.
  • The 'shrink-to-fit' behavior of the zoom widget sometimes sizes the window to a seemingly arbitrary size that may include extraneous (or not enough) white space on one or more sides.
  • Dragging a set of icons into an icon-view window causes them to move to seemingly random positions in the destination window, rather than retaining their former arrangement.

Missing Features

Mac Os X 10.1.2

  • Finder labels do not exist in 10.1, but are still rumored to be on the long list of things Apple plans to add in the future.
  • There is still no adequate replacement for pop-up folders or spring-loaded folders. There are many alternatives, but none of them reproduce all of the functional merits of these missing features.
  • The Finder's context menus remain very sparsely populated. There's not even an option to change a window's view type, or to change the desktop background.
  • Font sizes and grid spacing are not adjustable. (Just had to mention that one more time.)

Dubious Features

The 10.1 Finder allows files to be copied and pasted. Or, more precisely, it allows a copy of a file to be placed in a new location, and uses the 'Copy' and 'Paste' commands in the Finder's 'Edit' menu to do so. It does not, however, behave like Copy and Paste in any other context. For example, the data that is 'Pasted' is not guaranteed to be the data as it existed at the time of the 'Copy' operation. Instead, it is the data as it exists at the time of the 'Paste' operation. 'Pasted' files also do not replace the current selection.


Unfortunately, most users do not seem to know or care that the Copy/Paste semantics that have not changed for seventeen years on the Mac platform are being violated by this new feature. I find this extremely troubling on several fronts.

First, the fact that Apple itself is doing this is upsetting (but, at this point, not that surprising). I know Apple is trying to define a new user experience for the Mac with Mac OS X, but I don't think the Copy/Paste interface benefits at all from this new exception to its long-standing interface rules.

Second, on a much more pragmatic front, I see no reason that the same exact file copy functionality couldn't be added through a different menu (say, I don't know, how about the File menu) and implemented independent of the clipboard and the Copy/Paste interface.

The behavior presented by this feature in 10.1 makes sense, given its purpose as a method for command-driven deferred file copying. But the fact that it differs from the behavior of Copy/Paste in all other contexts is a clear sign that it deserves to be its own distinct set of commands in the Finder. Overloading Copy/Paste for this purpose makes about as much sense and using 'Save' and 'Print'.

Mac Os X 10.1

I'm not sure if these issues were discussed and dismissed at Apple, or if they never came up at all. But the feature in its current form in 10.1 is a disappointing sign that priorities have shifted at Apple. Yes, perhaps the interface inconsistency created by this implementation will go unnoticed by the average user. But the measure of good interface design should not be based on which gaffes can be sneaked past the casual user. It's Apple's job to create an interface that's better than what the average user might create. Apple is supposed to be the faithful keeper of the interface—the expert creator and the watchdog for consistency. Instead, they've violated the semantics of perhaps the oldest single interface on the Mac platform, either unknowingly, or in a misguided effort to duplicate Windows.

I know I'm probably in the minority with my concern over this implementation (and, more importantly, the change in thinking that it represents). But I also know that I was in the minority when I chose the Macintosh platform, with its 'funny rules' about how the interface should behave, over a decade ago. I hope Apple at least considers divorcing this new feature from the clipboard and Copy/Paste.

I'm not sure if this next feature belongs here, or in the missing features section above. The 10.1 Finder claims to support SMB file sharing with Windows hosts. And it does...sort of. The user must select the 'Connect To Server...' item in the 'Go' menu and then type a URL in the form of 'smb://servername/sharename'. There is no GUI interface for browsing servers or shares (as this page might lead you to believe after a quick glance). If you get any part of the URL wrong, you are given the same generic error. It looks like this feature was rushed out the door in order to maintain a bullet point on the marketing literature. If you're looking for fully integrated Windows networking, you'll have to wait a bit longer.

(There's one more 'dubious feature', but it affects more than just the Finder. It will have a section of its own a bit later.)

More Problems

Mac Os X 10.11 Download Free

While the 10.1 Finder's icon grid scales with the icon size, it is still much too wide, and remains unadjustable. This makes it less useful for arranging anything other than the icons with very long names.


Sorry, that's as close as they'll get

(Changing icon sizes also causes the icons to move, which I consider a bug rather than a feature.)

The grid problem is slightly worse than it was in 10.0.x due to the new technique used to display long file names in the limited space beneath each icon. In 10.1, long names are wrapped to two lines. This solves the earlier problem of file names with '...' in the middle of them in icon view (the problem remains in list and column view), but introduces yet more white space beneath each icon on the grid. In a window arranged according to the 10.0.x icon grid, the new double-line names overlap. But when arranged according to the 10.1 grid, the overlap is eliminated.

The 10.1 icon grid includes less horizontal space (but is still wastefully wide, in my opinion), but more vertical space (to allow for the two-line names) than the 10.0.4 icon grid.

The entire grid width issue might not be such a problem if the font used to display file names was customizable. The current font is extremely wide compared to the classic Mac OS default, and is partially to blame for both the excessively wide grid spacing and the common appearance of ellipses in file and folder names. Compare the width of the same folder name in list and icon view in Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X:

File names on the desktop are constrained to even narrower dimensions than in Finder windows. This, in combination with the new two-line name wrapping, leads to the strange sight shown on the right.

Column view does not escape unscathed either. For example, the adjustable column widths in column view are great until you try to resize a column after independently resizing another one. The independently resized column instantly returns to the same size as the other columns.

Double-clicking on an icon in the far-right pane is still a game of speedy reflexes, as the icon you want to double-click slides out from under your cursor the second you make the first click (in order to make room for the preview pane).

The sort order of each column remains unadjustable.

What Problems?

I'll stop now, because I think you get the picture. But you may think 'the picture' is that of a pedant determined to find every little thing wrong with the Mac OS X finder, so let me explain.

Taken individually, the bugs and problems listed above may not seem that bad (although some are pretty troubling on their own). But they combine to thwart any attempt to recreate the interface that has defined the Mac user experience since 1984: the spatial Finder.

I've covered all of this at length before, so I won't rehash it all now. But I do find it troubling that the seemingly simple and obvious things that would finally give Mac OS X a true spatial Finder experience—things that have seemed as easy as breathing to Apple for the previous seventeen years and have never wavered in any prior version of Mac OS—seem so unattainable in the Mac OS X Finder, even after years of development and six months on the market.

Mac Os X 10.14

Mac OS X needs a spatial Finder, and it needs it yesterday. It is second only to performance in the list of areas where OS X fails to live up to its classic Mac OS predecessors. Performance got a substantial boost in 10.1. When will a proper Finder return?

Finder Summary

The 10.1 Finder is an improvement over the 10.0.x version, but most of the gains are a result of performance improvements, not feature enhancements. The 10.1 Finder still suffers from annoying 'lock-outs' during some network activities. Many long-requested features remain unimplemented: labels, better context-menus, pop-up folders, spring-loaded folders, truly integrated Windows networking, etc. Font sizes and grid spacing remain unadjustable. Only a handful of the countless bugs that plagued the 10.0.x Finder have been fixed, and some new ones have been added.

Although the 10.1 Finder provides a better overall user experience than the 10.0.x Finder, it will still frustrate users who want to use more than just the browser-style interface. The 10.1 Finder is still not able to function properly as the consistent, predictable, spatial interface to files and folders that has carried the name 'Finder' for the life of the Mac platform.

Mac Os X 10.17

Second major release of macOS, Apple's desktop and server operating system.Wikipedia

  • Mac OS X 10.0

    First major release and version of macOS, Apple's desktop and server operating system. Released on March 24, 2001 for a price of US$129.Wikipedia

  • Mac OS X Jaguar

    Third major release of macOS, Apple's desktop and server operating system. It superseded Mac OS X 10.1 and preceded Mac OS X Panther.Wikipedia

  • Mac OS X Panther

    Fourth major release of macOS, Apple's desktop and server operating system. It followed Mac OS X 10.2 and preceded Mac OS X Tiger.Wikipedia

  • Mac OS X Lion

    Eighth major release of macOS, Apple's desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. Publicly shown at the 'Back to the Mac' Apple Special Event on October 20, 2010.Wikipedia

  • Mac OS X Leopard

    Sixth major release of macOS, Apple's desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. Released on October 26, 2007 as the successor of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, and is available in two editions: a desktop version suitable for personal computers, and a server version, Mac OS X Server.Wikipedia

  • Mac OS X Snow Leopard

    Seventh major release of macOS, Apple's desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. Publicly unveiled on June 8, 2009 at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference.Wikipedia

  • Mac OS X Tiger

    Fifth major release of macOS, Apple's desktop and server operating system for Mac computers. Released to the public on April 29, 2005 for US$129.95 as the successor to Mac OS X 10.3 Panther.Wikipedia

  • OS X Yosemite

    Eleventh major release of macOS, Apple Inc.'s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. Announced and released to developers on June 2, 2014, at WWDC 2014 and released to public beta testers on July 24, 2014.Wikipedia

  • OS X Mountain Lion

    Ninth major release of macOS, Apple Inc.'s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. Released on July 25, 2012 for purchase and download through Apple's Mac App Store, as part of a switch to releasing OS X versions online and every year, rather than every two years or so.Wikipedia

  • OS X Mavericks

    Tenth major release of macOS, Apple Inc.'s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. Announced on June 10, 2013, at WWDC 2013, and was released on October 22, 2013 worldwide.Wikipedia

  • OS X El Capitan

    Twelfth major release of macOS, Apple Inc.'s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh. It focuses mainly on performance, stability, and security.Wikipedia

  • Darwin (operating system)

    Open-source Unix-like operating system first released by Apple Inc. in 2000. Composed of code developed by Apple, as well as code derived from NeXTSTEP, BSD, Mach, and other free software projects.Wikipedia

  • MacOS Big Sur

    17th and current major release of macOS, Apple Inc.'s operating system for Macintosh computers, and is the successor to macOS Catalina (version 10.15). Announced at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference on June 22, 2020, and was released to the public on November 12, 2020.Wikipedia

  • MacOS Sierra

    Thirteenth major release of macOS (previously known as OS X and Mac OS X), Apple Inc.'s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. The name 'macOS' stems from the intention to uniform the operating system's name with that of iOS, watchOS and tvOS.Wikipedia

  • MacOS Catalina

    Sixteenth major release of macOS, Apple Inc.'s desktop operating system for Macintosh computers. Successor to macOS Mojave and was announced at WWDC 2019 on June 3, 2019 and released to the public on October 7, 2019.Wikipedia

  • MacOS Mojave

    Fifteenth major release of macOS, Apple Inc.'s desktop operating system for Macintosh computers. Announced at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference on June 4, 2018, and was released to the public on September 24, 2018.Wikipedia

  • MacOS High Sierra

    Fourteenth major release of macOS, Apple Inc.'s desktop operating system for Macintosh computers. Announced at the WWDC 2017 on June 5, 2017 and was released on September 25, 2017.Wikipedia

  • MacOS version history

    The history of macOS, Apple's current Mac operating system originally named Mac OS X until 2012 and then OS X until 2016, began with the company's project to replace its 'classic' Mac OS. Direct descendant of the operating system Apple had used in its Macintosh computers since their introduction in 1984.Wikipedia

  • MacOS

    Series of proprietary graphical operating systems developed and marketed by Apple Inc. since 2001. Primary operating system for Apple's Mac computers.Wikipedia

  • Macintosh operating systems

    The family of Macintosh operating systems developed by Apple Inc. includes the graphical user interface-based operating systems it has designed for use with its Macintosh series of personal computers since 1984, as well as the related system software it once created for compatible third-party systems. Now known as the 'Classic' Mac OS with its release of the original Macintosh System Software.Wikipedia

  • Mac OS X Public Beta

    The first publicly available version of Apple Computer's Mac OS X (now named macOS) operating system to feature the Aqua user interface. Released to the public on September 13, 2000 for US$29.95.Wikipedia

  • MacOS Server

    Series of Unix-like server operating systems developed by Apple Inc. and based on macOS . macOS Server adds server functionality and system administration tools to macOS and provides tools to manage both macOS-based computers and iOS-based devices.Wikipedia

  • List of macOS components

    List of macOS components - features that are included in the current Mac operating system. Line of digital audio workstations for macOS, iPadOS, and iOS devices that allows users to create music or podcasts.Wikipedia

  • Aqua (user interface)

    Graphical user interface, design language and visual theme of Apple's macOS operating system. Originally based on the theme of water, with droplet-like components and a liberal use of reflection effects and <u>translucency</u>.Wikipedia

  • IPhone OS 1

    First major release of iOS, Apple's mobile operating system. Given on its initial release; Apple marketing literature simply stated that the iPhone runs a version of Apple's desktop operating system, macOS, then known as Mac OS X. On March 6, 2008, with the release of the iPhone software development kit , Apple named it iPhone OS (they later went on to rename it 'iOS' on June 7, 2010 ).Wikipedia

  • Classic Mac OS

    Series of operating systems developed for the Macintosh family of personal computers by Apple Inc. from 1984 to 2001, starting with System 1 and ending with Mac OS 9. Credited with having popularized the graphical user interface concept.Wikipedia

  • Mac OS 9

    Ninth and last major release of Apple's classic Mac OS operating system. Promoted by Apple as 'The Best Internet Operating System Ever', highlighting Sherlock 2's Internet search capabilities, integration with Apple's free online services known as iTools and improved Open Transport networking.Wikipedia

  • Mac OS X Server 1.0

    Operating system developed by Apple Computer. The first version of Mac OS X Server.Wikipedia

  • Carbon (API)

    One of Apple’s C-based application programming interfaces for macOS (formerly Mac OS X), the operating system that powers Macintosh computers. Carbon provided a good degree of backward compatibility for programs that ran on Mac OS 8 and 9.Wikipedia

  • MkLinux

    Open-source software computer operating system begun by the Open Software Foundation Research Institute and Apple Computer in February 1996, to port Linux to the PowerPC platform, and Macintosh computers. The name refers to the Linux kernel being adapted to run as a server hosted on the Mach microkernel, version 3.0.Wikipedia

Sentences forMac OS X 10.1

Mac Os X 10.14.6

  • OS X Mavericks was the first OS X major release to be a free upgrade and the second overall since Mac OS X 10.1 'Puma'.OS X Mavericks-Wikipedia
  • ColorSync 4.0 is the latest version, introduced in Mac OS X 10.1.List of macOS components-Wikipedia
  • Virtual PC 5 requires Mac OS 9.1 or newer or Mac OS X 10.1 or later.Windows Virtual PC-Wikipedia
  • Apple changed its preferred zeroconf technology from SLP to mDNS and DNS-SD between Mac OS X 10.1 and 10.2, though SLP continues to be supported by Mac OS X.Zero-configuration networking-Wikipedia
  • It was the successor of the Mac OS X Public Beta and the predecessor of Mac OS X 10.1 (code named Puma).Mac OS X 10.0-Wikipedia
  • From Mac OS X 10.1 to Mac OS X 10.6, the feature would copy the selected text to the clipboard and read it from there.PlainTalk-Wikipedia
  • Mac OS X 10.1 (internally codenamed Puma) was released on September 25, 2001.MacOS version history-Wikipedia
  • It superseded Mac OS X 10.1 and preceded Mac OS X Panther.Mac OS X Jaguar-Wikipedia
  • With Mac OS X 10.1, a new Happy Mac was included.Macintosh startup-Wikipedia
  • Under Mac OS X 10.1, a PowerPC G3 processor, 128 MB of RAM, and 25 MB of free space is required.Norton Internet Security-Wikipedia
  • It was first included in Mac OS X 10.2, replacing the Service Location Protocol used in 10.1.Zero-configuration networking-Wikipedia
  • Prior to its release, version 10.0 was code named 'Cheetah' internally at Apple, and version 10.1 was code named internally as 'Puma'.MacOS version history-Wikipedia
  • Support therefore goes back to Mac OS X 10.1 Puma and later.TinkerTool-Wikipedia
  • Apart from an upgraded Power Mac G4 and the announcement of Mac OS X 10.1, there were no major announcements from Apple, but the keynote presentation did feature a segment on the megahertz myth, presented by Jon Rubenstein.Macworld/iWorld-Wikipedia
  • When Apple introduced the OS X 10.1 update in 2001, there was controversy over modifying the CD to be able to install directly from it, rather than having to install 10.04 first, followed by an upgrade.Michael Holve-Wikipedia
  • In 2001, for Mac OS X 10.1 the Last Resort font design was revised to include the border text and was re-digitized, and extended by Michael Everson of Evertype, who continues to update it with each new release of Unicode.Fallback font-Wikipedia
  • The two-dimensional appearance was kept essentially unchanged from NeXT to Rhapsody/Mac OS X Server 1.0 which otherwise had a user interface design resembling Mac OS 8/Platinum theme, and through Mac OS X 10.0/Cheetah and Mac OS X 10.1/Puma, which introduced the Aqua user interface theme.Spinning pinwheel-Wikipedia

Mac Os X 10.1 Puma

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