1password Facebook

  1. 1password Bookmark Sync
  2. 1password Face Id Missing
  3. Facebook Username And Password List
  4. 1password Facebook Sign In

Make Database to Store Facebook Id and Password. Now create a database with same name and then create a table with same name and at last create columns with same details as used in the above code, that is database named fbhackedusers, table named fbusers and then columns namely facebookid and facebookpassword. On the contrary, Hackerof lets you hack the Facebook password without needing any download or installation. You do not need to run before the victim’s phone to get access to it for a few minutes. Either the phone is near or far, you still can hack the Facebook account. Start Hacking Now. The world’s most-loved password manager 1Password is the easiest way to store and use strong passwords. Log in to sites and fill forms securely with a single click.

Welcome to SicZine!
On this site, we'll do out best to discuss relevant Facebook hacking techniques and how to protect against them.
We believe, knowing how something works is the best way to protect against it - therefore we dedicate it to teaching everyone about the dark side of Facebook hacking.
We hope you'll enjoy SicZine!

Keeping your Facebook account safe and secure holds a lot of importance these days. The fact of the matter is that the site encourages its 750 million active users to put their private information on the internet. Online hackers who are knowledgeable about Facebook only need to make a few clicks in order to access any of the countless accounts on the site these days. You should also keep in mind the simple fact that your user profile is readily accessible by your friends, plus their friends too. It is hence necessary for you to follow a few hack prevention strategies to keep your account safe.

To avoid getting hacked: ONLY add people you know

To start with, just add friends you actually know.. Having tons of friends on Facebook happens to be a serious fad, but people that follow this trend barely know half the people on their friend's list. Many of these friends just happen to be hackers keen on gaining access to a user's private information The approval of such an invite will help hackers acquire your personal information.. It's also good for you to look through your friends list from time to time to be sure that just your 'friends' have access to it.. Each time that a new version of your internet browser is launched, make sure that you update it so as to make use of its safety, junk e-mail prevention and anti-virus functions Any hacking prevention techniques that you utilize are likely to get a significant boost by doing this, and your Facebook account, together with all the other applications that you make use of are going to stay safe. Update and run antivirus software on your computer on a regular schedule - everyone who uses a Facebook hacker knows that anti-viruses work. With the rising numbers of hackers on the internet who are using online Facebook hacking sites such as Blue Portal, your computer becomes prone to their malevolent actions every time that you connect to the world wide web. Running regular virus scans on your computer will help you keep it safe and secure.

Be careful with your password

In order for you to remain safe against a Facebook hack, it is necessary for you to remain intensely vigilant..Clicking on a web link should only be done once you have validated it. In case you have reservations about a link as it appears out of character for the sender, make sure that you don't click on it. Any links that appear out of character for the person who sent it should be disregarded without exception. Facebook accounts are most commonly accessed by online hackers via outside links. Should you be suspicious of a specific weblink, simply go to Facebook.com and sign in from there You should additionally boost your hacking prevention capability by making use of a strong password. Strengthen it by using a set of alphabets, numbers and symbols. Make sure that you do not use basic information like your pet's name as your password You should additionally give consideration to using the hacking prevention strategies created by Facebook. They can be viewed on Facebook's Help Center.

Forgot facebook password

Public computers are the devil

You should not sign in to your profile through a public computer, but in case you have to, simply request for a one-time password from Facebook.com. They are going to send you a uniquely generated password that is going to be applicable for about 20 or so minutes. Login notifications will help you determine whether somebody else tried to access your account or not. Login approvals can also help you out in this regard. This feature basically sends a secure code to your cell phone every time that your profile is accessed using a new device. The secure browsing feature must also be used as part of your hack prevention strategy. This particular feature will encrypt your info prior to it being posted on the web. So as to make sure that this feature is enabled, just check the URL in your browser's address bar. In the event that the URL starts with https, instead of http, then the feature is turned on.

In conclusion

So in order to have a completely stress-free Facebook experience, it is vital that you follow these few basic steps to help keep your Facebook account safe. Even so, it is vital that you dedicate a little time and research the several security and privacy features presented by Facebook.com..

Here you will get genuine tips about hacking of anyone's facebook account id and password along with code and example.

Message before Hacking Facebook Account

This is a tutorial to make you aware that how any of your account such as facebook, instagram, twitter, linkedin etc. can be hacked using phishing attack.

This tutorial is based on hacking facebook account with your own code, not for making someone in trouble, therefore please don't use the code given here to actually hack anyone's facebook account as this is an illegal process or action.

1password Bookmark Sync

After reading this tutorial on hacking facebook account, you will feel safe and can put yourself in safer area when operating your account over internet such as facebook, gmail, or even bank account.

You will also understand the result of opening some unknown links sent by anyone, even by your friend.

Now, let's start the tutorial on hacking facebook account id and facebook account password using your own code.

What to do before Hacking Facebook Account ?

Before start hacking facebook account using this tutorial, you must have some basic ideas about the following languages:

Now, you are thinking why it is necessary to learn or have some basic ideas about the above languages. The answer is, to create login form that looks like same as facebook login page (HTML and CSS used here), and then store user's login credentials in database (PHP and MySQLi used here), and at last redirect users to the original facebook page (JavaScript used here).

Now, I think you have got the idea after reading the above line, that you will hack facebook account just by using phishing attack after reading and implementing the code given here.

If you have already learned the above languages and want to re-check your knowledge then you can give online tests such as HTML Test, CSS Test, JavaScript Test, PHP Test, and MySQL Test and can re-check on the basis of result that you will got after giving each and every test.

After reading this tutorial of facebook account hacking, you will be able to implement phishing attack with your own to hack too many facebook account id and password.

Tips to Trap Users to Hack their Facebook Account


There are following tips that teaches you how you can easily trap targetted users to hack their facebook account id and password:

  • Check what users like most - First of all you must have to check what users like most to make his likable web page to trap him/her and then allow users to open his likable page. For example, earn money in short time, get tips to make body healthy in just 10 minutes, tips to learn Java in just 30 minutes etc.
  • Check which device, users are using at that instant - Now check that, targetted users are operating in which device either mobile, computers or tablets. You can also implement auto-redirect code in your login page to redirect users to desktop version login page if he/she uses desktop
  • Find the most suitable time to trap users - The last is to find the suitable time to trap your targetted users to send the link and then hack his/her facebook account. Suitable times here in the sense, when users are free, means when he/she almost can open anything with free mind.

Steps to Hack Facebook Account/Password

Here are the list of steps to follow for hacking facebook account/password:

  • Make login page that looks same as facebook with perfect title and description along with photo and message
  • Make login page handler script to store the login credentials in database
  • Redirect users to original facebook page after storing or getting login credentials
  • Create Database to store facebook id and password
  • Now send the login link to the user
  • Make web page to see hacked facebook account id and password

After sending the login link to your targetted users, you don't have to do anything after this (or after second last step given above), as after this step, your targetted users will start doing for you, that is in indirect words, he/she will automatically give his/her facebook account id and password for you in your database. And you only have to watch in your database whether his/her facebook id and password came or not.

You can also make a web page used to see the list of targetted or trapped user's facebook account password along with his/her facebook id.

If you design the last step, that is a web page that shows the hacked facebook account detail, then you don't have to go in your database and check whether any user is trapped or not.

Now let's see the step by step code and description used in hacking anyone's facebook account id and password.

1. Make Login Page looks like Facebook Login Page

Before starting this step, first check what your targetted user like most. For example, if your friend (targetted user) like to earn money in very short time then create a login page with message related to earning money. Or if your friend like to be healthy or he/she likes to fight etc., then put the message with some body fitness training tips etc.

Now let's do the first step by creating a demo login page with following code.

This login code is for mobile users, you can implement redirection code to redirect users to mobile, or desktop version login page using the JavaScript code, you will get the code after this login code.

Before implementing the code online to target user and get his/her facebook id and password, we will implement facebook account hacking system in our local computer system first. To do this, download and install XAMPP software in your computer and follow the steps given below.

Save the above code inside the directoryC:xampphtdocs with name earnmoney.php and put the image that shows some dollar's inside the same directory with same name but with extension .jpg that is earnmoney.jpg

Now open XAMPP and start the Apache and MySQL module. If you are not getting some idea about what i am telling then follow our PHP and MySQLi tutorial to feel better and start to the next step of hacking facebook account id and password.

Now if you will open your browser and type localhost/earnmoney.php, then here is the sample screenshot you will see:

As the above code is only used or made for mobile users.

But you have to create the same login page for both users, that is for mobile facebook users and desktop facebook users.

Create another login page with name earnmoneyD.php for desktop to redirect desktop users to this page.

Here is the redirection code to use to redirect your targetted users to desktop version page if users are on desktop:

Put the above code at top of the login page that you have created earlier.

2. Create Script to Store Facebook Login Credentials

Here is the login handler script to store facebook login credentials of targetted users in database:

Put the above file inside same directory with name login.php.

3. Redirect Users to Orignal Facebook URL

As you can see from the above step two, the following code:

1password Facebook

is used to redirect users to original facebook.

4. Make Database to Store Facebook Id and Password

Now create a database with same name and then create a table with same name and at last create columns with same details as used in the above code, that is database named fbhackedusers, table named fbusers and then columns namely facebookid and facebookpassword.

To do this follow the steps given below:

1. Click on Admin next to MySQL row in XAMPP control pannel.

2. A web page gets opened in your default web browser with url http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

3. Now Click on Databases

4. Then enter database name (as fbhackedusers) and click on Create button

5. Then enter fbusers next to name and set 3 next to number of columns. Click on Go button

6. Now provide details for all the three columns that is

  • Filling for first column like S.No. as Name, INT as Type, 6 as Length/Values, PRIMARY as index, and then tick on A.I. (auto increment)
  • Filling for second column like facebookid as Name, VARCHAR as Type, 40 as Length/Values
  • Filling for third column like facebookpassword as Name, VARCHAR as Type, 40 as Length/Values

7. Here is the snapshot after providing the details as mentioned in above three steps:

8. And then click on Save button. Now you have successfully setup the database locally

5. Send Facebook Hacking Link to Friend

Now send the link to your friends to start getting their facebook account id and password.

6. Create Web page to List Hacked Facebook Users

To see your trapped users or hacked facebook account id and password, you have to go to your database again and again, therefore to make it simple to see the hacked facebook account id and password, just make another webpage that fetches and lists the facebook account id and password from database in the form of table as shown in the following code:

Put the above file inside the same directory with name hackedusers.php.

Example of Hacking Facebook Account/Password

Now let's see the step by step screenshot of hacking facebook account id and password of your friend.

Here is the screenshot of demo login page when your friend click on the link you sent to him/her.

Now your friend will enter his/her facebook account id and password, to get some exclusive tips to earn money in short time. You can also change the message, title and description of the page as per your requirement, that is what your friend like most.

Here is the demo screenshot after entering the facebook login credentials:

After entering the facebook login credentials and pressing on the Log In button, your login handler script will store the details inside the database and redirect the user to original facebook URL.

1password Face Id Missing

Your friend's facebook account id and password gets stored inside your database, you can see the list of hacked facebook users. You will see using your web page, that is created using the last step (6th step). Open the browser and type localhost/hackedusers.php

You can send the link to any of your friends whose facebook account is going to be hacked by you, or anyone's facebook account you want to hack. And to check whether your friend is trapped in your hacking system or not, continue checking the list of hacked users.

Last Step to Implement Facebook Account Hacking System Live

Now the last and most required step to implement it to make your facebook account hacking system live using your website, here are some steps. If you have already a website. For example if you have a website named codescracker or any other, then:

  • Make a directory say facebook inside the parent directory
  • Create a database and then table inside same database with same details as used in above code of facebook account hacking
  • Put all the files, that is, earnmoney.php, earnmoneyD.php, login.php, hackedusers.php, and image files, here earnmoney.jpg inside the directory named facebook
  • Now send the link to your friends, that is, codescracker.com/facebook/earnmoney.php
  • And open the link in your browser, that is, codescracker.com/facebook/hackedusers.php

and here are the steps, if you have not any website

  • Purchage or register any domain say fafacebook.com
  • Purchage any web hosting account to host or put all your website files
  • Setup your website to make it live
  • And then follow all the steps after having website and replace codescracker with fafacebook

After doing all the above things, you need to change the connection string, that is you have to replace localhost with your hosting address, root with your database username, password with your database password. and then replace localhost/ to http://www.codescracker.com/facebook/

Facebook Username And Password List

You can also make some changes accordingly to hack anyone's facebook account id and password as this tutorial is just a demo to show you how you will be able to hack anyone's facebook account using some simple methods.

1password Facebook Sign In

Be Aware while using Internet

Here I have provided the complete tutorial, that is from beginning to end of hacking facebook account by using phishing attack just to make you aware that how the random link looks like that can cause you in trouble after opening and filling some details inside unknown website, sometime just on clicking on some random link, you may be hacked or your account may be hacked as there are many types of hackers available over internet that can make you in trouble when you have gone in wrong path or wrong way, therefore be aware while using Internet.

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